Erwin Hahn Lecturers
Plenary Speakers
Paul Callaghan Award Finalists
Educational Lecturers
Invited Speakers in Scientific Sessions
Educational Lecturers
Andrew Webb is the Professor of MR Physics in the Department of Radiology at the Leiden University Medical Center and the Department of Electrical Engineering at the Technical University of Delft in the Netherlands. He obtained his PhD from the University of Cambridge in 1989. After a postdoc in the Department of Radiology at the University of Florida, he joined the faculty of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. He was appointed full professor in 2001, and worked for three years in the Department of Physics at the University of Wurzburg with a Wolfgang Paul Prize from the Humboldt Foundation. In 2008 he was appointed to run the newly-formed C.J.Gorter Centre in the Department of Radiology at Leiden University Medical Center. His research concentrates on the translation of new engineering concepts into the clinic. This work initially concentrated on high field MRI, supported by an ERC Advanced Grant from 2015-2020, but recently his lab moved more into the area of sustainable open-source low field MRI for developing countries, funded by the Simon Stevin Preis and a second ERC Advanced Grant 2021-2026. In 2020 he was the President of the European Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology and co-formed the Committee for Advancement of MRI Education and Research in Africa. In 2023 he was elected to the Royal Dutch National Academy of Sciences, and received the Huibregtsenprijs for societal scientific research. In 2010 he founded the Nadine Barrie Smith trust which has provided financial support for over 150 female undergraduate and graduate students in science and engineering.
Patrick Vogel is Habilitand at the department of Experimental Physics 5 at the University of Würzburg and CEO and co-founder of the phase Vision GmbH. He has spent the last 15 years in the scientific study and development of magnetic particle imaging (MPI), a young technology which uses dynamic magnetic fields for the imaging of magnetic materials, especially magnetic nanoparticles. This research has resulted in the first MPI system capable of capturing real-time images within a human leg. The development of small mobile devices, such as the MPS-MOUSE, inspired by the NMR-MOUSE, was also the basis for the mobile COVID rapid test COMPASS. The current mobile StrokeCap project based on this technology will open a new field of application in mobile diagnostics.
Shao Ying HUANG is an associate professor in Singapore University of Technology and Design. She received her Ph.D. degree from Nanyang Technological University in 2011. Her background is electromagnetics (computational & applied) and MRI engineering. She is part of the driving force for the innovations and open-source efforts for portable MRI. She owns 8 patents and more than 60 refereed journal papers and numerous international conference papers. Her current research focuses are low-field portable MRI (hardware & AI), non-linear MRI image reconstructions, MR electrical property tomography (MREPT).